Adsense support Western Union
Assalamu'alaikum Wr. WB B erita gembiraq bagi para penguna Adsense, kini adsense support Western Union. Berikut kutipan pesen dari google adsense We're excited to introduce Western Union Quick Cash as a new payment method for Indonesia! Western Union Quick Cash is a new form of payment that lets you receive your AdSense payments in cash using the worldwide Western Union money transfer service. This payment method is quick, easy, and free. Best of all, you'll no longer need to wait for checks to arrive in the mail or to clear at the bank. Pembayaran via WU hanya untuk individual dan uang harus diambil dalam waktu 60 hari setelah dikeluarkan. Semoga bermanfaat Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb