Update GD Support di debian

Karena GD lib bawaan debian ngak support untuk drupal 7 sehingga muncul pesan
The GD Library for PHP is enabled, but was compiled without support for functions used by the rotate and desaturate effects. It was probably compiled using the official GD libraries from http://www.libgd.org instead of the GD library bundled with PHP. You should recompile PHP --with-gd using the bundled GD library.

Maka GD Lib harus dikompile ulang, berikut langkah2 nya :
1. sudo apt-get install apache2-prefork-dev build-essential debhelper fakeroot
2. sudo su
3. cd /usr/src
4. rm -rf php5*
5. apt-get source php5
6. apt-get build-dep php5
7. cd /usr/src/php5-XXXX ( ganti XXX dengan yang sesuai)
7. edit rules di file debian/rules ganti --with-gd=shared dengan --with-gd=shared --enable-gd-native-ttf \
8. dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot
9. install paked .deb yang udah jadi (dpkg -i php5-gd_XXXX.deb )
10. Yup selesai, cuman hati2 aja pada saat update paket, kalo terupdate yang ulangi lagi langkah di atas :D


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