Upgrade PosgreSQL 8.1 ke 8.3 di Lenny

Assalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb

Melakukan Upgrade Postgresql 8.1 ke 8.3 di debian Lenny dapat dilakukan dengan cara sebagai berikut

  1. backup semua database (   $pg_dumpall > all.dbs.out )
  2. Install postgresql-8.3 ( $ apt-get install postgresql-8.3 )
  3. Sebagai root :
    1. matikan cluster postgresql 8.3 (# pg_dropcluster --stop 8.3 main)
    2. lakukan upgrade cluster 8.1 (#  pg_upgradecluster 8.1 main)
pada langkah di atas akan muncul tampilan seperti berikut
# pg_upgradecluster 8.1 main
Creating new cluster (configuration: /etc/postgresql/8.3/main, data: /var/lib/postgresql/8.3/main)...
Moving configuration file /var/lib/postgresql/8.3/main/postgresql.conf to /etc/postgresql/8.3/main...
Moving configuration file /var/lib/postgresql/8.3/main/pg_hba.conf to /etc/postgresql/8.3/main...
Moving configuration file /var/lib/postgresql/8.3/main/pg_ident.conf to /etc/postgresql/8.3/main...
Configuring postgresql.conf to use port 5433...
Disabling connections to the old cluster during upgrade...
Disabling connections to the new cluster during upgrade...
Re-enabling connections to the old cluster...
Re-enabling connections to the new cluster...
Creating globals...
Fixing hardcoded library paths for stored procedures...
Upgrading database test...
Analyzing database test...
Fixing hardcoded library paths for stored procedures...
Upgrading database drupal_ie...
Analyzing database drupal_ie...
Fixing hardcoded library paths for stored procedures...
Upgrading database newiedb...
Analyzing database newiedb...
Fixing hardcoded library paths for stored procedures...
Upgrading database postgres...
Analyzing database postgres...
Fixing hardcoded library paths for stored procedures...
Upgrading database akademik...
Analyzing database akademik...
Fixing hardcoded library paths for stored procedures...
Upgrading database template1...
Analyzing database template1...
Copying old configuration files...
Copying old start.conf...
Stopping target cluster...
Stopping old cluster...
Disabling automatic startup of old cluster...
Configuring old cluster to use a different port (5433)...
Starting target cluster on the original port...
Success. Please check that the upgraded cluster works. If it does,
you can remove the old cluster with
  pg_dropcluster 8.1 main
4. langkah terakhir seperti yang di tulis di akhir bari di atas, remove cluster lama  (#pg_dropcluster 8.1 main)
5. dan remove file postgresql lama (#apt-get remove postgresql-8.1 postgresql-client-8.1)

yap viola :

 psql template1 -U postgres
Welcome to psql 8.3.14, the PostgreSQL interactive termina


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